If you’re struggling to make money online… cut the cord… forget Google… and discover…
>>Watch as I’m FORCED To Deliver Real Time Live Video<<
PROOF On Camera (This will blow your mind!)
Dear Friend:
Finally… you’re in exactly the right place… at precisely the right time.
In fact... you’re right at the cash-rich “sweet spot” of a trend… heck, a tsunami…
… that’s going to leave more wealth in its wake than anything you’ve ever seen before.
You may not know it yet… but you’ve already got almost everything you need… and I’m about to arm you with the last missing pieces of the puzzle right here on this page.
And when you snap those last pieces into place… you’ll see why…
How can I promise you that?
Because I’ve personally leveraged mobile marketing to repeatedly pull down pure profitcommissions over $1,000 a day while building dozens of lists (up to 22,312 people each)…
… even though I’m only 18 years old – with no college degree, no training and no “unfair” advantages or head starts of any kind.
And I’m not some kind of “dot-com” wizard, either: Believe it or not, I stumbled into Internet marketing my freshman year of high school after…
I had started simple blog where I’d post the local parties around L.A. – and I was just trying to figure out a way to make a few bucks on the side but pretty soon the site was getting thousandsof hits a day…
… and sucking in hundreds of kids to every party I posted!
I thought it was going great… until I goofed and sent hundreds of kids to a grandmother’s houseat 11 p.m. one night (oops!)
Still… I was onto something. Even if my friends thought I was a little nuts.
(Think about it: Just by screwing around I’d ended up with a website that sucked in visitors like a magnet and got them to go anywhere I wanted…)
So I started site after site… and after I’d gone through 20 of them without making a DIME… I finally “cracked” the affiliate marketing code… and pretty soon ...
Trouble is… it didn’t last (it was a little on the “greyhat” side – just a “trick” that worked for a while and then fizzled)…
If that had been it… well, I wouldn’t have much to show you…
... or at most I’d have a couple “tricks” I could throw at you that might make you money for a week or a month and then fall flat.
What happened next though, is going to make 2010 the year everything finally “clicks” for you in affiliate marketing because…
Because even though every “guru” course was talking about making money with the same tired old strategies they’d been talking about since I was in middle school…
NOBODY was talking about how to make money from cell phones – even though they were quickly turning into little pocket-sized computers that could surf the Web, send email and text all at the same time.
And the thing is… I noticed that me and my friends spent way more time on our phones than sitting in front of a PC…
… and even though the Web was getting overrun with ads… almost no one seemed to be trying to advertise on mobile phones at all!
A system that could never get “slapped” or “saturated” because it’s hitched to the biggest wave of the century…
… that lets me consistently and methodically build lists of hundreds… thousands… even tens of thousands of eager buyers in any niche I choose…
… get paid to build those lists with daily commission windfalls from ClickBank…CPA… even Amazon...
… and do it all with no keyword lists to research… no websites to build… no articles to write… and all the traffic I know what to do with at a just a penny or two a click.
(It was what got me from a 14 year old used car with a blown engine… to a brand new 2010 Audi A5 when I turned 18 this year)
In fact… you’ll wonder why you bothered with PPC, SEO and the rest of the usual Internet marketing alphabet soup once you discover…
See what big time Internet Marketer Alex Shelton has to say about Mobile Monopoly...
You’ll find it’s like all the most insanely profitable (but usually “gurus only”) online cash cows – building lists of buyers, scooping up ClickBank commissions, and scoring hot CPA leads by the bucket load…
… have suddenly had had all the “complicated” parts tossed out, leaving you with a clear straightaway to the money.
And if you’re like me, once you start seeing the commissions stack up in your accounts… and the wire transfers and checks coming in… you’ll never even look back at the “desktop marketing” world again.
Here’s why mobile is the best way you’ll ever find to “break into” affiliate marketing right now – and why I’m so sure the “next generation” of gurus are going to make their bones by jumping on this wave before it EXPLODES…
The greatest part about mobile marketing is… not just that it’s so easy… but there are…
After my first $1K a day “guru method” of making money online, I promised myself I’d never waste time with “tricks” again – because those kinds of “methods” (whether they’re about PPC, SEO, “media buying” or some other ultra-competitive slog fest)…
… never work for long.
But that’s exactly what the big gurus keep feeding you. Tricks. Blackhat… greyhat… whitehat… bluehat…
… all just a bunch of gee-whiz mumbo jumbo that distracts you long enough for them to pick your pocket one last time before they get out of town.
There’s a good reason for that: “Tricks” are all they have left. All the “easy money” in the desktop PC Internet marketing game is long gone… and you’d better believe the gurus know it.
Maybe you’ve noticed how many “big launches” they’ve been running lately…
…. maybe you’ve noticed some of the big honcho gurus “retiring” to backpack the world or wander around in their motor homes…
It’s because they’ve seen the writing on the wall… and…
And that’s HUGE for you because these gurus are throwing in the towel right before the biggest wave ever hits the beach.
This is happening right now – the old online “money holes” are freezing over… the motherload is going mobile… and all the “old school” marketers are left shifting the deck chairs around before their ship goes down.
In fact… this is set to be the biggest “redistribution” of wealth online since before the dot-com “tech wreck” of the early 90’s: All those “experts” sitting pretty on top of big, lumbering businesses are in for a rough ride…
… and if you’re JUST STARTING OUT, new and nimble with nothing to “unlearn”… you’re about to get in on the ground floor and skip right to where it would have taken you years to get to fighting it out on Google.
And it’s not just me saying it – the companies on the inside of this trend watching it play out are scrambling to “reinvent” themselves from scratch to make mobile their new best friend.
• It’s why Google’s not calling itself a “search engine” anymore – their new mantra’s “mobile first”… and they’re going on the record warning…
… just three years from today.
(get this: 91% of Americans keep their cell phone within three feet of them 24/7… and about a third of people with a cell phone would rather be without their wallet than their phone!)
Think about it: If you timed out how much of the day you spent with your cell phone vs. sitting at your computer… it wouldn’t even be close, would it?
(Yet most marketers have no clue how to market to people who aren’t glued to a desktop PC!)
Philip Mansour, Multi Millionaire online marketer thinks I'm NUTS for giving this content away!
It gets even better, though, because…
Once you see this… you’ll understand right away why my mobile conversion rates blow regular Internet marketing out of the water!
(Just imagine how easy it is to grab attention once you’re the only “call to action” on the screen…not fighting for eyeballs with a dozen other AdWords ads or a slew of flashy blinking banners)…
What this all means is…
Nobody has an advantage over you at this moment – especially not the “gurus”…
… but you have to take action right freaking NOW if you want to be one of the early movers seizing the prime real estate and holding the high ground when this trend hits its peak.
You’ve got time… but not much…
… so in the next couple minutes I’m going to show you exactly how to turn yourself into a mobile marketing powerhouse before your competition knows what hit them.
Here’s the deal: You DON’T need to learn a whole new “bag of tricks” with mobile – everything from building lists to making money with ClickBank and CPA works on mobile just like on the regular “desktop” Internet (it’s just easier on mobile)…
… and once you’re up and running there’s no need to go back to the drawing board every few months because what works on mobile STAYS working. No “algorithm changes”… no “slaps”… no spiking keyword bids.
And if you’re wondering why it took me six months to hit paydirt if it’s so easy…
In the beginning, I treated mobile just like regular affiliate marketing – and it took me a while before I realized I could make lots more money by tapping into what people do most naturally and effortlessly on their phones.
Once I solved that puzzle the money for that brand new Audi didn’t take long to make…
And I’m going to show you how to skip right past the six month “learning curve” I went through and go for the “big money” methods right away…
… with three fast-action modules that will let you “get mobile” and out of the “stuck” learning phase that drags most affiliates down.
There’s no “theory” here, just the nitty-gritty “do it once, get paid forever” stuff that’s going to get you into action faster than you ever imagined possible – I’m talking about growth at frighteningspeeds you could only dream about before!
Because in these videos, I’m going to dive right into the good stuff and show you…
 | You’ve seen how big mobile is getting – now here’s how much CASH is on the table… You’ll see why...
• …1% of the 5 billion user mobile market will give you 99% of your profits (and how to laser-target these mobile “power users” quickly and automatically)
• … this platform is growing faster than the iPhone – and most marketers have no idea how to profit from it yet (you’ll be one of the first “in the know” and ready to turn it into your own pocket-sized ATM)…
• … tapping the billion-dollar mobile “app” market means profits up to $10,000 a day … even if you can barely “program” a microwave (PLUS a sneaky way you can siphon off cash from other people’s apps)
 | You’ll discover how I learned the “hard way” that…
• It’s “WORK” to get thousands of people to enter their credit card info and “buy off the screen” on their cell phone. (Don’t get me wrong – it can be done)…
• … but I’ve discovered MUCH, MUCH better way – a way that makes it much more likely you’ll get people to buy from you – and it all happens in THREE SIMPLE STEPS so “natural” it gets rid of all the usual “sales resistance”… so…
• Your visitors start buying… without you having to do any “selling” at all! (wait ‘til you see the conversion rates on this method)… |
 | This is the last thing you’ll ever need to “learn” about how to start getting the money rolling – where to go to place your ads. (And it’s not easy because these networks are so new most marketers have no clue they EXIST yet)…
YOU get the straight onramp to sure money networks like…
• The underground mobile ad colossus that’s already got a slogan that puts McDonald’s to shame: “234,932,888,505 Impressions Served” (Yes, that’s over 234 BILLION – in just a few months!)
• The “under the radar” network that has the ultra-profitable European market sewn up tight – and enough traffic to keep the commission checks in the mail for years… |
PLUS… you’ll see how you’ll profit fast and furious with…
- Laser-targeted tracking that makes Adwords look as “old fashioned” as the newspaper Classifieds section (I’m talking about location targeting down to the square block… demographic targeting down to the make and model of phone your prospect is looking at as they click your ad)…
- Click prices nobody’s seen this low since about 1999! (There’s so little competition right now… real one cent clicks are the rule – even if you’re fishing for commissions in “competitive” niches like weight loss!)
And once you’re up to speed on all the “basics” (we’re talking maybe a half hour if you’re pausing to take notes)…
… by handing you my most reliable mobile cash machines (7 “avenues of profit” ready-built and ready to jump-start)…
… starting off with the simple three-step “rinse and repeat” method I’m convinced isthe easiest way to make fast profits you will ever come across, even if you’ve never promoted a CPA offer… or even a ClickBank offer… in your life!
 | “Regular” CPA marketing doesn’t cut it on mobile… But CPA marketing with a small “twist” works so well it’s almost unfair once I show you…
• Two mobile only CPA networks almost nobody knows about… yet… that give you an almost bottomless supply of mobile-ready offers…
• Why I almost never send traffic directly to CPA offers – and how the unique “mobile optimized” squeeze pages I use instead let me build huge cash-pulling lists on autopilot…
(PLUS the unique YouTube for mobile video presell strategy I use to send conversions through the roof)… |
- The one type of CPA offer you must use on mobile phones (hint: it has nothing to do with “free trials” – and even experienced affiliates get this wrong)…
- How to “eyeball” CPA offers and instantly pick out the biggest mobile winners (my earnings spiked overnight once I discovered this secret)…
 | I know… there must be about a million ebooks and courses out there telling you about ClickBank... and there’s cutthroat affiliate competition on Google for just about any ClickBank product you can imagine…
Here’s the thing, though – not one in a thousand affiliates have figured out how to take ClickBank mobile – and you’ll be able to blow the doors offpreviously “untouchable” niches once you find out…
• Why most marketers assume ClickBank won’t work on mobile (and how you’ll have $1,000 days doing ClickBank marketing “backward”)…
• The one thing you MUST include in your first email to any new list -- do this wrong and you could burn your list for good (get it right and you’ll snowball your profits with every message you send)… |
- The “check it out at home” strategy that makes any ClickBank offer instantly “mobile friendly”…
- Use this “tiny” link trick to make sure your affiliate links show up on any phone (and “cloak” them to guarantee you get every penny of your commissions)…
 | In this module you’ll discover…
• When to promote an Amazon product rather than a ClickBank or CPA offer (and get even better conversion rates in the process)…
• The “sweet spot” price tag that just aboutguarantees you’ll make a profit on any campaign from day one…
• How sending just one mobile visitor to Amazon can keep paying off for months (I’ve gotten “surprise” commissions over $150 from months-old traffic with this “paid forever” advantage)…
• Why you’ll still get payouts from Amazon even when the visitors you refer don’t buy a thing… |
 | Quick question: If you could dream up a way to make money from mobile phones…
… do you think you’d be able to come up with anything easier than just getting somebody to tap on a link and automatically dial a number?
It really can’t get much better than this… because right now there are business lining up out the door ready to pay you $6… $10… even $20 just for getting people to dial a number.
They don’t even have to pick up the phone… they’re already on the phone… and you’re about to discover…
• How to instantly spot the highest converting “pay per call” offers (I’ll give you my five top-performing niches so you can skip all the testing and bank maximum profits right away)… |
- You can find these types of offers on any CPA network, right? WRONG! (I’ll show you a little-known network that has literally hundreds of these offers ready to promote with the click of a button)…
- How to laser-target your ads to the precise locations (and the exact times of day) to getlight up the phone lines with every offer you promote…
 | There are millions of small businesses across the country that are desperate for new customers…
… they’ve got cash burning holes in their pockets for advertising now that the Yellow Pages are practically extinct…
… yet they’ve got no clue how to tap into mobile. (In fact, just 0.5% of small and medium sized businesses in the U.S. have ever tried mobile at all!)
That’s where YOU come in (and profit big-time) after I show you…
• Exactly how to approach local businesses and have them just about beg to pay you $500 to $1,000 a month (plus ad costs) just to set up a campaign for them (you can use my provenclient-getting script to land your first client in just MINUTES)… |
- How to tap into an almost bottomless up-to-the-minute source of hot leads (get just a tiny fraction of them onboard and you could be making $10,000 or more a month “working” an hour a day or less)…
- The one type of business to approach first (you have a great chance of getting a fast “yes” – and they’ll pay more than just about any other client)…
Most people never even think about coming out with their own mobile software “apps” – but a few savvy marketers with zero programming skills are making $10,000 a DAY… or more… in the Apple App Store…
… with “stupid” apps they paid an outsourced programmer peanuts to develop… and get download like crazy (I’m not making this up – the guy who came up with an app called “iFart” could probably buy an island now )…
… and you’re going to discover exactly how to pull down eye-popping profits from this…
 | • Why getting your own “app” has never been easier or cheaper (and how you can get all the marketing done for you – all you have to do is cash the checks)…
• How you can “jet stream” past the competition, get even more downloads, and rake in hundreds… even thousands a day… by giving your app away for FREE…
• The almost unknown one-stop website that tricks out your app with profit-pulling ads from the top mobile ad networks on autopilot…
• The completely FREE website I discovered that lets you create your own iPhone app in 27 seconds or less (plus my 3 favorite websites for finding top programming talent to build more “sophisticated” apps for pennies on the dollar)…
• How to be one of the first in the door at the one online app marketplace that will soon bebigger than Apple (yet has almost zero competition right now)… |
Hold up – one more mobile method left… and it’s a good one. Because almost nobody’s doing this… and I’m going to show you how you can get paid to listen to music on iTunes…
And it’s the artists themselves who are going to be cutting you the checks, because you’re going to be zero-ing in on musicians who are “just on the edge” of making it big… and propelling them all the way to the top of the iTunes charts (in return for a nice cut of the action)…
 | You’ll discover…
• My “secret sauce” method for getting a direct mobile-optized link you can use to directly promote any artist on iTunes with just a few clicks…
• How to let iTunes compile a list of leads for you…
• How to approach artists on iTunes and have them ready to hand you 30% of all their iTunes music sales on the spot… |

These are the exact methods I’ve personally used to build cash-pulling niche lists of 69,387proven buyers… and “rinse and repeat”passive income streams worth up to $5,511.09 a week… with just a few clicks of a mouse.
Set up these mobile income machines fast (you’ve already got all the “skills” you need, so there’s nothting complicated to figure out)… and you’ll be set to pull down huge rewards as mobile affiliate marketing EXPLODES this year.
And because I’m giving you these seven simple methods right away, you get to breeze right past the six month “learning curve” I had to go through to…
… and land right at the “good part” where the commission checks start coming in the mail.
Here's some REAL LIVE PROOF of Joey Kissimmee logging into his Clickbank account...
These methods are so bleeding edge… putting a price tag on this wasn’t easy.
You’re getting a one-way onramp straight to the money – and a virtual road map to get you right to the $500 and $1,000 days even faster than I did.
(I put together this course to be exactly what I would have paid THOUSANDS for to skip past the six months I spent piecing it all together)…
Still… even though fast-forwarding right to the quick profits in mobile is easily worth way morethan the hundreds the guru’s charge for all those “big box” launches…
… I meant it when I said this is the best opportunity I’ve ever seen if you’ve never made a dime online before now… so I’m going to put a price on it that makes it a complete “no brainer” for anyone to get involved and take action right away.
That means for a limited time you can get your hands on everything I’ve told you about here fora one-time payment of just $37!
Wait… it gets even better though… because if you act now you’ll also get free instant access to two “first-mover” bonuses that are going to be off the table later on if you put this off…

Fast Action Bonus #1 is going to give you an “unfair” advantage when it comes to the final (and most profitable) step of that three-part mobile payday I told you about – sending offers to your email list and getting paid again and again with no extra effort on your part…
This is a full step by step video course I’ve never released anywhere else – the only way you can get it is right here on this page… and it’s going to stay that way.
Once it’s gone, it’s gone.
And you’re going to kick yourself if you miss out on what I’m revealing here because I’m handing you my personal hard-won tactics for…
- How to write compelling “buyer magnet” email subject lines that multiply your earnings from every offer you blast out to your list…
- The secret to writing “autoresponder” emails that pull in cash like crazy (even if you flunked high school English)…
- Where I go for quick access to FREE information I can “copy and paste” right to my list that makes me the instant go-to “expert” in any niche I target…
- PLUS… I’m going to hand you a full sequence of my proven commission-pulling emails you can use (or even shamelessly copy) as a “template” to get maximum money from the lists you’ll be building with mobile from day one…

FAST ACTION BONUS #2 My PROVEN "Done For You" Mobile Campaign

Fast Action Bonus #2 is a PROVEN “done for you” campaign you can plug in right away and prove to yourself this is for real – just copy and paste… and get ready to have the most fun you’ve ever had with your clothes on -- refreshing your screen as the commissions pile up in your CPA and ClickBank accounts. |
And there’s no reason to wait – because I’ve got your back with my no questions asked...
| That means if at any time in the first two months for any reason (or no reason at all) you’re not absolutely thrilled with the money you’re making with Mobile Monopoly, all you have to do is shoot me a quick email at the address you’ll find on the download page and I’ll refund every penny you paid on the spot.
No hassles, no runarounds, and we part friends.
And the fast-action bonuses are yours to keep no matter what just as my way of saying “thank you” for giving Mobile Monopoly an honest try.
 | |
You need to move on this right now, though – the “early bird” bonuses are going to disappear fast…
Here’s how to order:
I’ll see you on the inside,

P.S. If you still haven’t clicked the “Add to Cart” button to get started …
Think about this: the faster you jump on mobile, the more profits you’re going to make – not just this week but next week… next month… and next year.
The “mobile shift” has begun… and it’s always the “early adopters” cash in biggest on these brand new trends.
People who sit on the sidelines and put things off… find the landscape changed… and mountains of competition with armed with a huge head start.
So now that you know about this… what are you going to do about it?
I hope you agree you need to do something… and there are only a couple options:
- OPTION #1: Continue lining the gurus’ pockets for the latest second-hand “tricks” and table scraps and slog it out for a shrinking pool of buyers with millions of competitors on Google… OR…
- OPTION #2: Take ownership of all the high-converting mobile traffic you want – and start pulling down affiliate commissions with almost ZERO competition justminutes from right now from millions of ultra-profitable mobile clicks other affiliates can’t even reach!
I hope you choose option 2 because…

P.P.S. Remember, you’re getting seven mobile money methods you can cash in withright now – without any “theory” to figure out – even if you’ve never made a dollar online in your life!
P.P.P.S. You’re totally protected by my 100% no questions asked guarantee for a full 60 days – so the ONLY risk left is the risk you’ll wait too long and miss the most profitable opportunity to hit Internet marketing in a decade!
(And the bonuses are yours to keep no matter what you decide later!)
Here are some quick FAQs:
Q: Does Mobile Monopoly work on all phones in all countries?
A: Yes. All phones in all countries! We even show which CPA network we use to reach new customers all over the world -- from wherever you live.
Q: Do I need to own a smart phone to run mobile campaigns?
A: No. You run everything from your computer just like traditional Internet Marketing campaigns, but you’re reaching a market 5X bigger through their mobile devices.
The video modules show you every step of how to set up your campaigns (they’re really easy!) We even give you 24/7 live toll-free telephone support in case you have any questions.
Q: Will I need to be approved by CPA networks to make money with Mobile Monopoly?
A: No. We give you 7 different modules of ways you can make money with mobile. Several of them you can start right away with NO MONEY.
With CPA, there are some free and low-cost networks... others (like AdMob) require deposits of fifty bucks to start, but you can start with the free ones and work your way up quickly. And mobile CPA campaigns can currently be run for keywords as low as ONE PENNY per click!
Q: Do the mobile optimized squeeze pages work on Blackberry smart phones?
A: Yes. They work on all smart phone platforms like iPhone, Android and Blackberry.
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